Abergavenny Food Festival loading now
21-22 SEP 24

Talks & Debates

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Join Monsieur Bon Bon and Madame Saucisson and take part in the Festival’s famous (and hilarious) Food Quiz!

Chair – Amelia-Christie-Miller, Founder of Bold Bean Co. Dr Emily Leeming is a registered dietitian, microbiome scientist at King’s College London, and former chef. She writes

Join Monsieur Bon Bon and Madame Saucisson and take part in the Festival’s famous (and hilarious) Food Quiz!

Join BBC Radio 4 The Food Programme presenter Sheila Dillon as she debates issues around food with a panel of experts. Any guests with

In this bright new Radio 4 series Martha Kearney finds out from her guests how nature plays a central part in their life. At

Is small beautiful? Is local best?  Meet three entrepreneurs who are going about change a different way. They believe in working on the inside;