Abergavenny Food Festival loading now
20-21 SEP 25

Beverages fight for date with ‘Blue Pearl’

At Battle of the Beverages (Fri 15 Sept) beer, wine and cider will contend for top spot as the best beverage to take with food. Three fantastic cheeses will be featured from three exceptional producers: Neal’s Yard Creamery, Caws Teifi, and Caws Cenarth. You will be tasting:

Perl Las — from Caws Cenarth

Perl Las is probably the best known cheese produced by Caws Cenarth, along with its creamier sister Perl Wen. Perl Las (‘Blue Pearl’ in Welsh) is a superb blue-veined cheese, golden in colour, with a creamy, gently salty taste that grows stronger with maturity. The company has been making cheese on their farm in the valley of the river Cych in West Wales since the 1980s. A diverse range of superb organic and non-organic artisan cheeses can be bought online or sample and buy at the Festival where they have a stall in the Tiverton Cheese & Wine Market.

Dorstone — from Neal’s Yard Creamery

Dorstone is an English pasteurised goat’s milk soft cheese made with animal rennet and named after the company’s location on Dorstone Hill in Herefordshire, overlooking the River Wye. With a distinctive turret shape, this ashed goats cheese has a delicate, wrinkled rind, fluffy and creamy texture and a flavoursome zesty tang. Neal’s Yard Creamery produce fresh and mould-ripened cheeses, yoghurts and crème fraîche — all of which can be bought online through various outlets. Visit their website for details

Mature Teifi — from Caws Teifi

Mature Teifi is an aged version (6-12 months) of Natural Teifi. The maturity enhances and strengthens its nutty flavour, intensifying the complexity of the raw milk and creating a truly mouth-watering cheese. Having started in 1982 Caws Teifi is the longest established artisan cheesemaker in Wales. Their produce includes washed rind cheeses, Teifi, organic halloumi and Caerphilly. Buy online or sample and buy at the Festival where they have a stall in the Market Hall.