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21-22 SEP 24

Marches Mushrooms – ‘Best in Show’ Winners 2022

(Pictured above: Amy Le Bailly and Gareth Taylor of Marches Mushrooms with New & Small Producers Market sponsor Kate Jenkins of Gower Cottage Brownies)

We are delighted to announce the very worthy Best in Show winners, Marches Mushrooms who were first timers to Abergavenny Food Festival, with their lovely stand in The New & Small Producers Market at The Priory. They were independently judged and awarded the prize for their brilliantly simple yet effective and clear stall display, wonderful engagement with the public, impressive product knowledge and inspiring story, as well as strong sustainability principles, thus ticking all of the boxes for the judges. Go and check out their products and well done guys for your win – we will be in touch so you can claim your free stall for next year soon.

Gareth Taylor of Marches Mushrooms with judges Jane Bissett and Helen Joy

Thanks to all of you for helping to make our markets so inviting, engaging and unique this year. There were some really attractive stalls and some brilliant public engagement and interactive elements which help to give our visitors a really special and enjoyable experience.  

Our judges gave special mentions to two runner-ups in the Best in Show awards, who also impressed with their clear and attractive stand displays and messaging, and welcoming and knowledgable interactions with the public.

Special mentions go out to another new producer to the Festival also located in The Priory New and Small Producers Market, Dough & Daughters who the judges said stood out for ‘your incredible tasting and unique bakes, enthusiasm about your products and lovely, smiling faces‘ that really drew them in, and also Festival regulars The Sunday Girl, who were located in Tiverton Market, who the judges loved for ‘creating a really appealing and quirky 3D product display of quality, unique and cheerful products and for showing great enthusiasm, energy, product knowledge and approachability to visitors’. 

Both producers were also commended for sustainable approaches to your products too, with attention to detail on choosing quality, sustainable and ethical ingredients and materials. 

They also noted The Monmouth ShepherdWhite Lake Cheese, and Nixons Farm for ‘impressing with your passion and dedication to your product, clear and simple displays and top quality produce’.

Well done to all! 

Ceri Elms

Trader & Markets Manager